
Friday, April 5, 2019

Effect of Potential Difference on Copper Coating

sum of Potential Difference on Copper CoatingDesignResearch Question What affect does the latent variance (V) across the circuit has on the dogshit coating on an conjure metal? meditation My hypothesis is based on the Ohms Law which states V = IR, where V is the potential release across the circuit and I is the period present in the circuit and R is the resistance. (When R is constant)The above comparison states that as the rate of flow increases, the electron flow lead alike increase. Thus increasing the potential difference across the circuit which in turn increases the copper coating on iron metal. inconstants Independent Variable Potential differenceDependent Variable Change in massControl Variable submersion of the electrolyteResistance of the circuitTemperatureDistance between the electrodesMaterials Required Voltmeter (0.2 V)Ammeter (0.1 mA)Copper PlateSand paper weightlift nailRheostatConnecting WiresElectrolyte (1M CuSO4 solution)BeakerAlligator ClipsWeighing Scale (0.01 g)Diagram of the investigate Procedure Set up the experiment as shown in the diagram above.Take a sand paper and remove the corrode from iron nail.no(prenominal) place the iron nail on a weighing scale to channel its weight.The iron nail should be now attached as the anodeThe potential difference should be unbroken as 1VPour the electrolyte into a beaker and dip the iron nail into it for about 10mins.After 10mins, remove the iron nail and dry it.Repeat the above procedure for V = 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3.Steps (1-8) should be repeated twice. mental process the obtained data and record the observations.How to control the Control Variables To control the concentration of electrolyte, make sure that the same electrolyte is employ throughout the experiment.Resistance should be kept constant for the Hypothesis to be true, and for this a rheostat is apply in the experiment by which resistance can be controlled.The experiment will be performed in a closed lab environment to ens ure that the conditions of the equipment are not affected by ever-changing atmospheric conditions.The distance between the electrodes should be kept constant because if the electrodes are not kept in a constant position, the rate of alter of electrons will increase hence the mass deposited will besides increase.Data Control and ProcessingRaw Data dodge-The Raw Data Table consists of the data obtained from two trials and is shown below in a tabular formTable 1Table 2Qualitative Observation Reddish-Brown coating on the iron nail when it is dipped in the electrolyte.When the current is passed, collectable to the flow of electrons from anode to cathode, the copper coating thickens as if it is trying to displace the iron.The iron nail becomes inconsiderate due to the heavy deposition of copper.After taking down the readings and noting the associated qualitative data, the raw data table is now processed and the data is represented chartically so that a better analysis could be th rough with(p).Processed Data Table The processed Data table consists of two tables showing the change in mass after the data is obtained. A representical representation of the data is also make.Processed Table 1 Change in wad was calculated by subtracting the initial mass from the final mass,For V = 1.0 0.1,Change in mass (M) = Final Mass Initial Mass= 1.596g 1.560g= 0.036gSimilarly, Change in Mass was calculated for divers(prenominal) Potential difference shown in the table.Processed Table 2 Similarly for this table,For V = 3.0 0.1Change in mass (M) = Final Mass Initial Mass= 1.889 1.797= 0.092gGraphical Representation exertion 1The above graph shows the relationship between Change in mass and Potential Difference. The obtained graph resembles a linear graph and the error bars are plotted. A trend line is also made to pass through all obtained values.From the analysis of the graph of Trial 1, it can be find that as the Potential difference increases the change in mass al so increases which means that the amount of copper deposited increases with increasing potential difference.Similarly, graph for trial 2 is shown below,Graph 2The graph obtained for Trial 2 also resembles a linear graph but there are some differences between the graph obtained for trial 1 and trial 2.As Potential difference across the circuit increases, the Change in mass also increases which means that the copper coating thickens with increasing Potential difference.Further Calculations are d unmatchable to find the exact difference between some(prenominal) the trials,Calculations For trial 1,The equation for the graph is y = 0.0296x + 0.005, purpose the slope of the above graph,m = 0.0296Slope = 0.0296 gV-1The slop obtained from differentiating the equation states that when 1V is increased, 0.0296 of Copper deposition takes place. This cycle continues for 1V increase. figure the moles of Copper,Moles = Moles = Moles = In Copper Sulphate, a +2 charge is present on Copper hence the demand electrons will be as follows,Calculating the transfer of charge,Charge transferred = = 89.60 CIncrease in the current = = 0.149 AFor Trial 2,The equation of this graph is y = 0.03x + 0.0058By differentiating the above equation,m = 0.03 gV-1Calculating the moles of Copper,No. of moles = Mass Molar MassRequired amount of moles = = 9.4410-4 mol at 1 p.dCalculating the transfer of Charge,Charge transfer = = 90.95 CIncrease in the Current = 90.95 C 600s= 0.151 AConclusion and valuationConclusionFor Trial 1,The Charge transfer obtained is 89.60 CFor Trial 2,The Charge transfer is 90.95 CThe difference between both the charges = 90.95 89.60= 1.35 CUncertainty of the experiment cannot be found out because the slope of both the graphs are different.From the graph, it is seen that,EvaluationThe major reason for this deviation from the trend line plotted in the graph indicates that the resistance was not controlled properly. The graph is plotted on the basis of the Ohms Law statin g, when the Resistance R is constant but in this experiment, both trial one and trial 2 have different value for Charge transfer thus it can be concluded that the experiment was not dead-on(prenominal) because of the presence of fluctuating Resistance.Errors that whitethorn have occurredThe major reason for the experiment going wrong was due to an improper rheostat. The rheostat didnt have a proper grip between the coil and negotiable scale. The scale may not be properly attached to the coil hence leading to a deviation between the obtained values.While removing rust from the iron nail using a sand paper, it may have had happened that some amount of rust remained on the surface of the iron nail and was not removed(p) due to ignorance.The experiment was performed for approximately 4 hours. The experiment on the whole was not performed on a single day and hence some discrepancies in the solution may have had happened.The instruments used peradventure were not calibrated properly.N umber of trials taken in the experiment is only two which is very little as it does not give a big picture of the errors occurred while performing the experiment.How to improve the experimentThe experiment can be improved to a greater extent by using a rheostat which has a good grip between the coil and the moving scale. This can be done by checking the instruments before performing the experiment.A fresh iron nail should be taken for the experiment. If it is not taken, then due to carelessness, some rust may remain on the iron nail and at one point it will become so thick that removing it with a sand paper wint be possible.The experiment should be conducted for a shorter period of time and should be performed on one day itself because if the solution is kept open, it may happen that the solution will degrade or will react with air.Instruments with proper least count should be taken to avoid any systematic error.A minimum of five trials should be taken to reach an accurate conclus ion.

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